Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Okay, let's try this

Hi! I make things a lot. Sometimes I like them enough to put them somewhere. This is going to be that place, at least for a while.

Let's start with a thing that happened while I was supposed to be doing something else. My friend Laura made a facebook post telling us that she had rolled up an awesome new Pathfinder character. That character was a swashbuckling frog called Glenda. I immediately became useless for all other purposes until I had done this:

Oh, many are the ballads sung

And thrilling is the tale
Of Glenda and her flashing tongue
Down in the marshy vale!

By witty blade and deadly quip
She thwarted and she charmed.
There never was a sharper whip,
Nor could she be disarmed!

A greedy falcon came to town
To terrorize the rats--
With one chirrup she cut him down,
Then feathered all their hats!

The Spider Brothers wove a net
Of avarice and lies--
But never shall they once forget
The day she made them flies.

No thieving rat can rob its prey,
Nor horny toad molest,
While Hopping Glenda saves the day
With pure amphibian zest!
© Rachel Spitler
April 11, 2014

Later that night, I told some friends from a different social sphere about what had happened, and they were a little flummoxed. "Is that what it's like to be creative?" one of them asked, laughing. And I started to wave away the compliment in some self-effacing way, but then suddenly I was like, you know what? Yes. Yes, that is what it is like. You can't turn it on when you need it. You can't reliably focus it on things you want or need to get done. It just walks up and clubs you upside the head with a tiny greenish rapier hilt and you have to do whatever bizarre thing it demands.

But the fact is, it's kind of awesome. And I'm learning not to be embarrassed about enjoying it. So that's what this blog is about.

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